100 games, and what they taught me Blog

#2: “Eve Online”: on multiplayer, economy, and messy problems

The vast space systems of Eve Online may be imaginary – but the players, the risks, the money and the drama are very real.

100 games, and what they taught me Blog

#1: “Sable”: on low stakes, representation, and lines of escape

Photograph. Desert landscape, with rocky outcrops and sand.

Sparsely and thoughtfully written, a joy for the eyes and ears, and a gentle gem of a world to explore: “Sable” is a low-stakes, meditative game I didn’t know I needed.


10 things I’m thankful for, this #InternationalMensDay

This is a Thanksgiving + International Men’s Day crossover post, and I’m writing it for myself: to remember and celebrate the things which made life better for me this year. Will they work for you? Will they inspire you to make a similar list, or maybe to check in with the boys and men in your life? Who knows. I can only hope you enjoy reading this list as much as I enjoyed making it.


Nine things I learned about Mastodon – what is it, why should I try it, and how do I begin?

As I write these words, the amount of people on my Mastodon instance reaches the magic number: 100K. Our admin closes the sign-ups, and switches the instance to invite-only, then upgrades the servers – again. “Houston, we’re holding up pretty well so far,” he quips. Elsewhere, in a less happy corner of the internet, Twitter fires a huge chunk of its team and loses a big portion of its advertisers and users.


Launching today: “Computational thinking for everyday life”

It gives me great joy to share my latest course with you today. “Computational thinking for everyday life” is now available for download in the Punk Learning shop, on a pay-what-you-can basis. What is the course about, and why should you care? Read on…

Punk Learning