
Nine things I learned about Mastodon – what is it, why should I try it, and how do I begin?

As I write these words, the amount of people on my Mastodon instance reaches the magic number: 100K. Our admin closes the sign-ups, and switches the instance to invite-only, then upgrades the servers – again. “Houston, we’re holding up pretty well so far,” he quips. Elsewhere, in a less happy corner of the internet, Twitter fires a huge chunk of its team and loses a big portion of its advertisers and users.


How to live, and learn, in the future

decorative: neon pink and blue cyberpunk street.

Hint: it ain’t what it used to be.

This short essay starts with a personal story and ends with some thoughts about learning, and learning design. Along the way, I’m going to talk about metaverse, tabletop card games, and nostalgia.

I’m writing this because I think that the way we build, live, and learn in the future matters – and our past holds some answers to all this. If you’re still with me, let me start by telling you about my weekend.


This is not the Metaverse you’re searching for

It’s so easy to get mad at Meta and Mark Zuckerberg. The tough bit comes later, when it’s time to articulate the things I’m actually mad about. After all, the Metaverse is coming – isn’t this what I always wanted?

Punk Learning