Does everyone sometimes miss their first job? That is certainly true for me. My career as a language educator has been great – and I still find myself returning to it occasionally, when I work on course design projects in the area of language learning. A selection of my teaching and course design experience can be found below.
Stephen Spender Prize, 2019-2020
Contributed worksheets and video tutorials on the theme of poetry translation. Responsible for material selection, design, recording, and edits.
Cardiff University, 2018
Mentoring a Translation MA student. Examination prep and grading.
CARAS, 2016
Volunteer ESOL teacher on a project for refugees and asylum seekers in south London.
City School of Languages, 2011-2012
Director of Studies for a busy private language school. Cover teaching, timetabling, material selection and design, course design – for all levels, including Foundation Programmes.
WSZOP, 2011-2012
EAP course design and delivery.
Translation Studies Centre, 2006 – 2011
Course design and delivery: ESP / Applied Translation.
International House, 2006 – 2010
Taught English to classes and individuals, all ages and levels. Organised and graded Cambridge examinations.
(Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash)